Thursday, July 24, 2008

Barack Obama For President - Of The World...

This morning my family and I watched CBC Newsworld - transfixed - by the incredibly moving speech Presidential Candidate Barack Obama gave a massive crowd at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin Germany. Words cannot describe the feelings and emotions racing through this liberal's mind as the future President brought back memories of JFK in his moving Berlin address. Of course Mr. Obama did not make the mistake of calling himself a doughnut... lol...

Mr. Obama moved the crowd - and viewers worldwide - with one recurring theme echoing through his speech: the need for peace and global cooperation to combat the ills with which this world is beset (climate change and pollution, war, terrorism, state chauvinism, and the siege mentality within which many peoples see themselves). He emphasized the Berlin experience during the airlift, and the peaceful end to the Cold War as examples of the direction the world needs to take.

A transcript of Mr. Obama's speech is available here. Worth a read, but I urge you to HEAR it when it comes up on YouTube...

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