They really don't like the Atlantic Canadian provinces, do they? "Culture of defeatism", now this...
Acting very Conservative, Ms. Helena "of Troy" decides to be as juvenile as her hubby. Figures. Wonder if she had a little share of her hubby's meds?
While many in the media point out her absolutely despicable behaviour... Her lack of judgement, and her tirade against people doing a job that the "law and order" (bullshit) Conservatives so vehemently claim needs to be done (and done even more vigorously according to their recent tax hike for added security), I think the focus needs to be on the Conservative's attack - once again - on a region East of Manitoba.
What will it be next time? Ontario again? Quebec - the Reform-a-Tory's favorite bashing subject? Newfoundland? All these regions have been bashed by the Reform-a-tories in recent months/years.
Growing up out West, on the Prairies, I recall the hatred about "The East" spewed by the Reform crowd. I should have known it was part of their ingrained philosophy, and not going anywhere anytime soon.
Time for a change. The recent swell of patriotism during the games just shows Canadians want a government that loves Canada back. A day after a young lady from PEI becomes a Canadian hero for her bobsleigh run, trashing the island is not what Canadians want from their elected representatives...
... Come to think of it, "Canadians" did elect a true majority from the other parties in the house...
On a more personal note, a buddy and I met Ms. G and another very intoxicated friend at a Toronto nightclub several years ago (before she was an MP). She was just as nasty back then - although she and her friend invited themselves over to our table and talked out ears off for a couple of hours... She was only just talking about running at that time. Apparently she was digging the brown guys at that time too... lol...
We should all join the support group to make sure this never happens again
I won't condone or support violence in any form, but it seems like Robert DziekaĆski was tasered to death at an airport for less egregious behaviour.
Where's Waldo
Your comments about the dislike of Atlantic Canada which includes Newfoundland by the way, (New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia like to set themselves apart from Newfoundland discribing themselves as the "Maritime" Provinces and Newfoundland as the "Atlantic" Province..they are all the Atlantic Provinces)is so true. But the truth is, there has only been one government that had any respect for the Atlantic Provinces and that was Lester Person.
I learned that difference decades ago, as a young lad who mentioned "Maritime" to a Newfie friend... Never make that mistake again... lol...
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