Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome To Vancouver

It is true Canadian fashion to extend a warm welcome to all our guests. We would like to encourage everyone to embrace our international guests this month.

Flying back from Paris this Tuesday, we had an opportunity to meet athletes from many countries. There were members of the French Olympic Team, Hungarian skiers, Bulgarians, Croatians, Czechs, Slovakians, Polish, etc. Our flight from Paris to Toronto was about 1/4 athletes, and from Toronto to Vancouver was mostly athletes... Amazing...

We made sure to extend a friendly handshake to whoever we had the opportunity to share a smile with, and a hearty "welcome to Canada/Vancouver".

Regardless of the protests against the games, it certainly makes you feel warm inside to host the world.

Enjoy the show (or don't), but let's ensure we make a warm Canadian effort to welcome everyone to our home and native land.

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