Saturday, August 14, 2010

F The Haters... Offer Refuge To The Genuine Refugees!

Couldn't put it much better than over at The ScottRoss.

When people like this risk life and limb to get to Canada, you have to begin to reconsider the citizenship (and former "citizenship) of Conservative Party poster-children like former Canadian "citizen", Conrad Black... or people who call this country "a third world Northern European power"... then shamelessly wave the flag like they invented it (and they DIDN'T)...

Scott nails it when he says we have more than enough space and resources. More than any other nation. If we can't help them, who should???

Glad the churches are looking to help - even if their crazy NeoCon fanboys (and girls) are foaming at the mouth, ready to send in the Airborne Regiment...

post signatureVICTORY FUND


Anonymous said...

Your ok with 40 to 50 g's a person being charged by the Tamil Tigers to get on a boat and hopefully land in Canada? Your ok with with these people then being forced to funnel money back to the Tigers? And, when the next few ships arrive do you accept them as well? When the next 100 arrive as well?
This is why the Liberals are not yet ready to lead Canada. 40 maybe 50 will be allowed to stay, but, the rest will be treated and sent has to be that way. That ship did not attempt to land in the US because a Left wing Democratic President would have no choice but to turn it back..I guess he's a hater too.

Fred from BC said...

By "haters", do you mean the 80% of Canadians who opposed letting them land here?

Doesn't seem like a great way for you guys to get onside with the voting public, frankly...

WesternGrit said...

A refugee is a refugee. If they had to pay, barter, sell themselves, etc., to escape their land - and torture, rape, and who knows what else - then so be it. Who they paid to get them out is not important. The fact that they're here (and came in a very legal way) is. Read about WW2 refugees, and how many of them escaped Europe. Learn about who they paid, and who smuggled them out of territories where the governments would not give them exit papers...

WesternGrit said...

Nothing against "we Canadians" who might oppose the quite legal landing of a boat (they sailed into a harbor, and didn't come "unannounced"). I take issue with the instigators, media hype-artists, and xenophobes who are leading the attacks. The public simply falls under the spell of the spin. You can't blame people who unwittingly allow hot-buttons to be pushed...


Fred from BC said...

WesternGrit said...

A refugee is a refugee.

Except when they're not. These ones visited, then left, a perfectly safe Thailand, which negates their claims of being 'refugees' (you don't get to 'shop around' for a better deal, sorry).

If the ship is owned by the Tamil Tigers, and those 'refugees' paid 20 million dollars for passage on that ship, how many actual Tigers do you think are hiding among them?

WesternGrit said...

Fred, should we send most of the "Crown Loyalists" and their descendents, who left the safe haven of the USA, to come to Canada (after leaving England). Should we return all the successful Vietnamese in Canada, who also passed through "safe" countries like the Philippines, Australia, etc.? Should refugees fleeing Nazis in Europe have stayed in "safe"/"neutral" Switzerland? Or in "safe" Mediterranean nations, rather than been taken into Canada and the USA?

That argument doesn't wash, since many nations similar to Canada take refugees - no matter where they "harbored" previously.