Thursday, August 05, 2010

Latest Ekos Has Libs/Cons In Dead Heat - Cons Drop Below 30%...

For the first time since 2006, the Cons have dropped below 30%, according to the latest Ekos survey.

What's going on? Well, the Liberal Express tour for one. While some fellow bloggers say recent events are the reason (Long Form Census, etc.), there IS the underlying theme of "that Iggy guys a pretty decent dude... I could vote for his team" going on. That thought will operate in the background in the minds of all those who have read kindly articles towards the Iggster during the tour. Couple THAT with the continued coverage of Harper "thought-control" shennanigans, and the perscription is written...

The Liberal Summer Campaign should continue to focus on Conservatives trying to hide the truth from the public, Conservatives distorting facts, and Conservatives generally playing a hyperpartisan game in the most hyper-partisan Ottawa there has ever been...

Hear that sound? It's the Liberal Victory Train - coming to your town this Summer.

post signatureVICTORY FUND


Anonymous said...

If we see another one like this in a week or so then maybe there is something going on. I suspect that the lead is still around 5-6 points though. Just as the 10 point lead poll was suspicious this one is as well.

Having said that the Libs are still showing weak numbers and are in no position to force an election.

djn said...

Where's the proof that it's Iggy's bus tour? Where?

Yet, you downplay the census debacle which has, like the most recent prorogation, spawned a remarkable range of public objections from civil society groups.

WesternGrit said...

I'm not saying the census debacle isn't responsible. I'm saying that in the background other things are on peoples' minds: Iggy's "likeability", and the general thoughts on Harper - which never really went away. Harper is showing - more and more - with each action like the census dealeo, that he is a staunchly ideological fearmongering, neoCon control freak.

Those two ideas create background impressions, which will then imprint into peoples' minds. When an issue comes up, the imprinting goes into "drive", and peoples' thought pattern on the issue is impacted. You think "census", then think "Harper, egomaniacal, right-wing control freak".

Anon: I think you're probably right. Not good to see too much into one poll - except to note trending. Having said that, I think that there has been a lot of movement in Ontario and Quebec lately.