Wednesday, May 11, 2011

FLAG Meeting - "Rebuilding The Liberal Party"

FLAG - the "Federal Liberal Action Group" for Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley will be planning our next meeting within the next several weeks. This is an extension of the discussion on the private Facebook Group "Liberals Rebuilding the Liberal Party" (this is a private group, and you must be approved to join).

As a group, our focus will continue to be the betterment of the Liberal brand. We would like to invite anyone interested to contact us - and to WATCH THIS SPACE - to ascertain time/location/date. We will try to ensure that the meeting is in a more central location so people from the Fraser Valley can attend - as well as those on the North Shore. By central we mean the "geographic center" of the region (Surrey, East Burnaby, New West, Coquitlam). We'll keep it close to SkyTrain/public Transit.

Please join us as we work to bring the Liberal Party into the new era of politics. We welcome all who have an interest in seeing the further growth and evolution of the party.

Watch this space for further details on event time/location.

United in moderation!

post signatureVICTORY FUND


Anonymous said...

Start by calling for Apps resignation.

WesternGrit said...

And based on recent events, we'll try to get the meeting set up for a date prior to May 20th - the deadline for memberships to vote on the "delegates" for the extraordinary convention in June...