Tuesday, November 03, 2009

We MUST Oppose C-391 Vigorously

For the good of civilized society... For the good of "a just society"... For the good of our party and party traditions, and all we stand for... We must stand and vigorously oppose the so-called "Private Member's Bill" C-391. The dregs and neanderthals of society would have us go back to a more primitive time. They would have us bid farewell to common sense and decency in favor of "appearances" and political expediency (in certain ridings).

Canadians want tighter gun control that works. A Liberal Party that does not wholly, angrily, and tactfully oppose this measure is NOT a liberal party.

Let's not give up all the glorious history our party has compiled, for the benefit of a handful of MPs who feel this is the only issue that will hold their seat. This party has had it's greatest success when we question the "common thought", and challenge it with new and civilized ideas... If we don't bring a debate to Canadians, there won't be a debate, and we keep sliding down the slippery slope of a nation that thinks it is "America light", replete with gun-totin' "rights", private everything, and a lust for all things violent and egocentric.

Keep this in mind, as it bears constant repetition: This party has had it's greatest success when we question the "common thought", and challenge it with new and civilized ideas.

It is what we - the Liberal Party - have always been about.

Let's open and lead the national debate. Let's fight the "idiot nation" of the NeoCon mindset.

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Larry said...


...take a deep breath...

now exhale....

austin said...

We already know you and me do not see eye to eye on the registry(although I would much rather have the registry than American style gun laws). But do you not think that if the majority of the people in a Liberal MPs riding do not want the registry that the MP should speak for them?

WesternGrit said...

Oh, we're breathing... Some things just need to be said... "Larry".

WesternGrit said...

If the MP believes in the Liberal values (that some sort of registry is required), then he should work towards the changes we need in the current one (although, many changes have already been implemented). He/she should not help the Conservatives dismantle the existing registry - with no hope of a new one until a Liberal government is in office.

We must ensure weapons are registered as is every car, and many bikes, radios, etc.... It's for the public good.