Stephen Harper continues to change his position on... EVERYTHING... Funny thing is, with the way they've lied about "accountability", income trusts, the deficit, the recession, the wasteful spending leading to the death of a $12 Billion contingency fund (set up by the last Liberal gov't), Conservative election spending, bank bailouts, etc., etc., etc., WHO IS GOING TO BELIEVE THEM???
... I mean, seriously, if you told someone that Stephen Harper (of the Reform-Alliance-Conservative Party) was pro-environment (but "no" to the agreement the whole world signed in Kyoto), anti-war (Calling Afghanistan "unwinnable", demoralizing our troops in the process), pro-Cuba and Venezuela (was that Harper wanting to get in on the group hug between Obama and Chavez?), pro-spending to get out of a recession (spending in the wrong places according to most economists in the land, and denying the recession, but, still...), pro-Senate (appointing more Senators in a shorter period of time than practically ANY PM), pro-gun registry (that's right, NeoCons, Harper is pro-registry - that is why he's done NOTHING substantial to kill it, but talk...)... If you had told anyone, just 2 years ago that Harper's political personality - carefully cultivated for 30+ years - would take such an "about-face" when he was in jeopardy of losing his current mailing address at 24 Sussex, they would have called you crazy. Seems like the only crazy ones are the (shrinking) Conservative support base...
Meanwhile, Barack Obama continues to win peace and forward the cause of reason and conciliation...
Liberals continue to lead federally - and grow the gap between party and Harper Cons...
BC Liberals enjoy large lead over stumbling NDP... NDP changes their life-long environmental stance... NDP candidate steps down over ill-advised images on Facebook (although this may be internal NDP wrangling over the environmental fiasco)
Young Liberals race for presidency continues to be highlight of convention (if you include YLC "debate" about FPTP)... John Lennard was in BC meeting with young Liberals from across the province. He's kept at it - and with the convention only a couple of weeks away, we have to say his efforts have been very sincere...
BC-STV??? Looks like REAL CHANGE just might be happening in BC... Stay tuned...
I'll say the YLC contest is "heating up" - one uf the candidates is accusing memebers of the ylcq of being "soft nationalists" and " sepratists"...
that's from an anonymous source that heard the conversation...
I think that's a pretty silly move for whomever is responsible for those comments. Sounds like something a Conservative would do... lol...
Gordon Campbell is going down... this is meerly a distraction.
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