Saturday, March 01, 2008

Cadscam - The Proof Is The Proof... Is The Proof...

Conservatives were quick to lie and cast disparaging words at good men of integrity like Ralph Goodale (they lied and got the RCMP to investigate a supposed leak of financial information from his office - he was absolved - of course), and Mr. Cretien (Shawinigate - another blatant falsification). Now, when they have some huge scandals of their own brewing (Cadscam, federal election financing, Stockwell Day's potential buying of an opponent in a nomination contest, the little issue with Ottawa's mayor, Isotope-gate, and many, many more), the federal Conservatives are jumping up and down crying, "no evidence, no evidence!"

Well... like a great man once said - "The proof is the proof". We have more than just heresay evidence - as the Cons did when they more than likely coaxed their friends (Conrad Black and Company) at the National Pest to publish lies about Mr. Cretien's involvement in the hotel financing situation in Shawinigan. We have - in the public eye - transcripts, interviews by a biographer, family testimonials, AND - most telling - the proof: tape recordings. There isn't just one tape recording. There are recordings of Mr. Cadman mentioning that the Cons offered him bribes - while the Liberals did nothing of the sort. There are recordings of our "new" Prime Minister admitting that they offered some financial considerations to Mr. Cadman. There are further interviews of Mr. Harper (now as PM) contradicting his very own statements, years later. We also have admissions by the PMO - and Mr. Harper himself - that they were aware of this situation for some time now.

So, once again the question arises: what did they know, and when did they know it? Why was the RCMP not called in, or internal party discipline carried out IF, as they are bound to claim, some rogue Hill staffers, or Party executive decided to make the offer on their own (although we know this is not true - since we have the PM on tape clearly indicating that he was aware some financial dealings were attempted)?

This scandal stinks to high hell... And it has Stephen Harper written all over it. This self-proclaimed man of integrity, from the self-proclaimed party of integrity, has sullied the reputation of our great institution - our Parliament. Now we know these angry, hateful Reformers never liked anything about our government, or the way it operates. They took potshots at institutions like Stornoway - until Preston Manning moved in, cabinet limos (ancient Chev Caprices, by the way) - guess what they ride in now? The Conservative jackals have been driven to dissemble the Senate - our body of sober second thought. They only attack what the media publicizes about the Senate, while leaving out the massive amount of Parliamentary Committee work that would never happen if it wasn't for Senate involvement (while MPs from the House are busy trying to get re-elected). These angry Cons have also attacked our nation's judiciary. They are bent upon replacing justices with their own neo-Con brethren in a move that smacks of what Musharraf tried in Pakistan. They even have tried to Americanize our electoral system by fixing election dates - like that won't result in the 4th year of a term becoming a permanent election campaign and PR show...

Stephen Harper and the "new Conservatives" have trodden upon our Parliamentary institution. They despise what Parliament stands for, so why wouldn't they find it easy to bribe, to lie, to cheat, to get their way? These neoCons have - with Republican help - tried to destroy the very fabric of our nation. Their American Republican campaign advisers - along with the old Mulroney crew have created a level of anger and scorn in Parliament that has never been seen before. Anything can be attacked. Everything is turned into a media circus. Sound bytes are becoming the new "factoids". Angry partisan barbs from the likes of drooling pitbulls like John Baird are the political currency of this bunch of Conservatives.

So what should the buying public - the Canadian public - read into all of this? Quite simply that a bunch of angry, spiteful neo-Conservatives who never had any love for the institutions of this land, made clear attempts to bribe an elected official. The current Prime Minister is involved in some way, and was clearly aware that there were "financial considerations". There is all sorts of evidence. It's now the duty of reporters with integrity, news outlets with integrity, and the Police to delve further into this. As we say, "the proof is the proof..."

1 comment:

burlivespipe said...

Wouldn't it be sweet irony if Harper, the man who tried to entrap a Liberal government with a botched tape job, be brought down by his um er um own taped confession made in the driveway (this isn't for publication?) of a dead MP...
Perchance, to dream. But let's not forget that Harper, perhaps envisioning one of his malfeases hitting the fan at a later date, propped up a lame CON soldier into the head office of the RCMP.
I'm enjoying reading all the stories and comments, especially the wryly written and so-intuned Kady O'Malley at McLeans.