Wednesday, May 06, 2009

We Might Not Have Accomplished This If The Conservatives Continue To Have Their Way

Canadian - most likely Liberal - scientists today sequenced the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus.

This, of course, is an affront to everything the Conservative government stands for (or better said - stands against). The Connies hate science, scientists, intellectuals, and research and development.

If the Conservatives continue to have their way with research funding in Canada, great days like this may be few and far between...

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penlan said...

Agree with the content of your post but not this:

"Canadian - most likely Liberal - scientists today sequenced the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus."

Being partisan about the scientists is silly & unnecessary. Just be thankful the virus is sequenced, & the fact that the scientists are Canadian is a bonus.

WesternGrit said...

The scientist thing was in "jest"... but does suggest that these guys probably need to vote Liberal if they hope to receive funding for their projects...

WesternGrit said...

... because the Conservatives certainly won't support them with funding...