Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Factory Mega-Farms Responsible For Swine Flu

Do we really want a future where virulent and drug-resistant strains of flu kill mass swaths of humanity?

Read the Avaaz story below. Even I was astonished. Stop the "killer factory farms"! Small business and small local farms are where it's at...

Time to send corporate farms a message: We don't want you, like you, or need you...

No-one yet knows whether swine flu will become a global pandemic, but it is becoming clear where it came from – most likely a giant pig factory farm run by an American multinational corporation in Veracruz, Mexico.(1)

These factory farms are disgusting and dangerous, and they're rapidly multiplying. Thousands of pigs are brutally crammed into dirty warehouses and sprayed with a cocktail of drugs -- posing a health risk to more than just our food -- they and their manure lagoons create the perfect conditions to breed dangerous new viruses like swine flu. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) must investigate and develop regulations for these farms to protect global health.

Big agrobusiness will try to obstruct and scuttle any attempts at reform, so we need a massive outcry that health authorities can't ignore. Sign the petition below for investigation and regulation of factory farms and tell your friends and family and we will deliver it to the UN agencies. If we reach 200,000 signatures we will deliver it to the WHO in Geneva with a herd of cardboard pigs. For every 1000 petition signatures we will add a pig to the herd:


post signature


A Eliz. said...

I signed the petition and sent it to a friend who will sign it.It is indeed sickening!

Anne "boracay island philippines" Peterson said...

Poor pigs!
Its very terrible!

LMA said...

How can we treat animals like this? For this reason, I only eat meat purchased at farmer's markets.

WesternGrit said...

I have an organic farmer one block from my suburban/urban Surrey home. We walk over, and can buy beef, chicken (free range - no antibiotics or hormones), and organic veggies. Looking for a pork source, but we don't buy pork much...