Monday, June 08, 2009

The Raitt Story - A Western View...

This is all hyperbole and conjecture... pure speculation...

People are curious as to why the ex-employee is trying to cover tracks? Oftentimes... in such cases (and not necessarily in this particular case), the employee was terminated with a request to "take the fall for this one - one for the team" (missing docs, other indiscretions - whatever it may be)... in return they will be able to continue in a "high up" role within the party (we've seen this with other Conservative hacks who have taken the fall for their Minister/MP, PM, etc.). Of course, employability is severely diminished when you can't be seen to be able to cover up for (or protect) your superiors or company secrets... so, if for anything but partisan work, the "appearances" would be better if this staffer would ensures that Raitt takes the fall...

This may be the case - it may not be. We await the results of the Halifax court case.

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