Wednesday, December 03, 2008

On CBC Vancouver Radio This Morning

Was on the noon call-in show on CBC Radio this morning.

Had a couple of key points to make when asked what I wanted from Harper's speech tonight:

1) Stop lying to Canadians about the legitimacy of the Coalition. It is the will of a majority of Parliament. Stop misleading the people - this HAS happened before in Canada. Even Harper struck a deal with the Bloc (on numerous occasions).

2) Stop attacking Quebec. It is bad for Canada. 70% of Quebecers accept the coalition because it allows them a say in governing Canada. They have the same concerns as NDPers, Greens, and Liberals - economy, jobs, house prices, healthcare, childcare, food prices, etc., etc. The only reason they ever wanted to "separate" (a small handful of them) was because they didn't feel they were being heard. This may be a great opportunity for them to be heard...

Barbara Jaffe didn't seem to care to comment on this, since I think they were looking for an opposing opinion (at the time that I got on, 100% of callers were in favor of the coalition - and I listed to the whole show).

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